Feedback from Teachers & Students
Here are some comments from teachers and students:
The exam according to student reports was organized in a very fun way. The students revealed that it was challenging and unprecedented, as well as enthusiastic.
Prof. F. F. M. da S. - Colégio Sesi, Ponta Grossa - PR
It was an excellent event!
Prof. S. S. de S. S. - Federal Institute of Amazonas, Manaus - AM
Wonderful event, we can only thank you.
Prof. L. C. R. de M. - Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Integral Professor Celso Piva, Guarulhos - SP
First of all, I want to congratulate the project initiative, it was the first time I registered the school and the students who participated liked it very much. Normally, when we talk about Scientific Olympics, students are afraid, they believe they are not capable or that they will have poor results. However, the way IPHCO is organized makes everything more fun and awakens the search for knowledge in an autonomous way!
Prof. R. da S. C. - IFSP, Jacareí - SP
The 2020 was the school's first participation and the participating students loved it. An excellent event that inspires the students to acquire love for the pursuit of knowledge.
Prof. R. F. P. - Ciep 296 Presidente Benes, Rio Claro - RJ
An event that offers great learning diversity to our students. Very good.
Prof. É. B. C. - E.E.M.T.I. Dep. Joaquim de Figueiredo Correia, Iracema - CE
IPhCO continues to be very motivating. Even with the atypical situation this year, the students were able to participate and are very happy with the certificates they received. Thank you very much for your commitment and dedication. And let's go towards IPhCO 2021!
Congratulations on the event! Happy with the participation of the students.
Prof. B. da F. G. - IFMG, Itabirito - MG
Very beautiful and important event for our students, congratulations and I look forward to IPhCO 2021.
Prof. R. F. L. - E.E. Ernesto Pinho Filho, Manaus - AM
I loved it!
Prof. A. L. S. - Stagium School, Diadema – SP
Thank you for the challenges, I really enjoyed the development.
Prof. F. F. - E.E.E.M.I., Guarulhos -SP
The event was very productive, especially at this time of remote teaching, since it made the students more interested in learning Physics. I congratulate the organizers for the achievement.
D. R. N. C.- IFSP - Campus Sorocaba -SP
Thanks for every question, wonderful Olympiad!
E. S. de A. - IFMT, Alta Floresta - MT
I would like, at this end, to thank you for the whole experience that was provided, I discovered many new things and gained a lot of desire to travel to all the places shown, I am looking forward to the IPhCO in October. Thanks for everything!
J. V. B. C. - E.E. João de Paula Caproni, Carvalhópolis - MG
IPHCO thank you very much for this wonderful experience!!!!!!
I. B. P. - IFSP, Campinas - SP
This kind of Olympiad is surely more fun. The way the use of Google Street View was thought out fits very well. It’s very cool when you follow the clues and manage to find what the problem was referring to. Thank you IPhCO team for making this extremely good experience possible… through this Olympiad I got more interested in physics for sure.
D. P. W. - UTFPR
The convenience brought by the Olympiad, in a way, makes us actually learn and research!
I enjoyed visiting places that I didn’t know before in the city and around the world (especially the view of the Christ and the starry sky) and the challenge of finding what was requested!
M. E. S. - UTFPR
This kind of Olympiad is a lot more instructive than the traditional ones… a very cool initiative. The challenges are very interesting, and let the next one come!
R. V. dos S. - UTFPR